segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2008

Bede Durbidge vence Hang Loose Santa Catarina PRO 08

Mais um australiano a vencer no Brasil, desta vez quem leva a taça para a terra dos cangurus é Bede Durbidge. Durbidge venceu ao frances Jeremy Flores, 17.76 para 9.86 respectivamente.
“I was totally in rhythm with the waves and Jeremy was on the other side of it. I just tried to pick up those rights. I didn’t really get a good score on the lefts the whole time, so I was hunting those rights and also tried to get good waves in the beginning and surf relaxed. I felt great today, Jeremy was surfing so good and I knew that I had to push my turns.”
O ultimo evento do ano será em Banzai Pipeline 8-20 Dezembro , 2008.

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